
Private Utility Locating At Recycling Center

Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, LLC. (GPRS) was contacted by a contractor in order to locate any anomalies such as electrical lines, water lines & septic lines at a recycling center in Sarasota, Florida. The contractor needed to make certain of where anomalies were in order to clear areas where they planned to conduct soil borings. The company contacted GPRS of Tampa, Florida in order to know where the lines were located in order to avoid them when drilling into the earth.

Justin Rasanow of GPRS was contacted in order to perform the survey at this location. Using our 400MHz antenna radar equipment and RD-7000, we were able to map out all of the anomalies on the surface which were running through the areas of concern as well as provide depths to the tops of the anomalies found. The contractor was pleased with our results and felt relieved that they could conduct their borings with peace of mind.

To the right is a photo taken on-site which depicts Justin Rasanow scanning the area of concern using our 400MHz antenna.